
The beta version of the database is accessible here.


The in-progress database serves as a reflection of existing scholarship on the manuscript- and print-transmission of the Seven Sages narrative. In addition to attempting to catalogue all manuscript witnesses of the text, in as many languages as possible, the database also contains information about: the branching versions and sub-versions of the narrative; key criticism and scholarship; and critical editions (from the 19th century to today). This work builds on and brings together previous scholarship about the Seven Sages, including some material previously inaccessable to many readers. For example, the database will also include a list of all the embedded stories in the different narratives (from both 'Eastern' and 'Western' branches of the tradition); the only previous scholarship to catalogue and offer summaries of all inset tales was Masami Nishimura's excellent appendix (2001). 



  • 05/2024: French MSs completed (48); Latin MSs in process 
  • 02/2024: German and English MSs completed (German: 42; English: 8)